Monday, May 01, 2006

Vive Los Estados Unidos!

Happy May Day/International Worker's Day/A Day Without Immigrants/Great American Boycott/El Gran Paro Americano! In celebration, I hope you are protesting the Bush's immigration reform (or just Bush in general).

Specifically, I hope you are taking the streets to protest H.R. 4437, a House Bill that is currently under discussion in the U.S. Senate. This bill would classify illegal aliens as felons, as well as those who help them by giving them basic food, water and shelter. This distinction, my legal counsel tells me, would group illegal immigrants and their Harriet Tubman helpers with murderers and rapists. Does that make sense to you? Was Harriet Tubman a rapist?

More to the point - I hope you also listen to "Nuestro Himno" - Our (new national) Anthem. Learn it. It might do you good to think outside your SUV.

It's the latest take on the Star Spangeled Banner causing quite a stir amongst our non-spanish speaking population (did conservative housewives get their panties in this big of a bunch over Jimi Hendrix's version?). Apparently, they feel threatened because they haven't yet learned the song in English and now they're saddled with another version that their maids can now understand.

Damn! Rosa might now crack the Da Vinci code we've gotten hidden in the words!

People. Get a grip. It's a song. Shouldn't it inspire awe, love, gratitude and patriotism in any language?

Let freedom ring - in English, Spanish or Kiswahili for all I care.



M. said...
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M. said...

Dude, that whole thing was worth it just to read you say "I'd love to be bi..."

tee hee!

Nice to see you in my blog!

Megan said...

Nathan: Longest. Comment. Ever.
Meredith: You had to work hard for that giggle. Nicely done!
Nathan: Okay, I'm reeeally hoping your reponse is totally genuine and that you really do appreciate Meredith's irreverence. Because frankly, sometimes it's the only thing that gets me through the day. Put me at ease, here.

But in other news: I'm a citizen of the world! Parlo italiano, bitches!