Sunday, October 22, 2006

So Much Better than Homework

Aside from attending class yesterday from 10-4pm, I have also been hacking away at my Substantial Research Paper, one of the last things I need to finish in order to graduate this fall. I found out on Friday that I passed my language requirement exam (mon dieu!), so all that's left between me and exorbant loan repayments are two take home exams and one enormous paper on Malawi. Wish me luck!

Of course, before I could get any real work done on the SRP, I participated in the fantastic Tour du Port in Baltimore today. Fifteen miles, lots of bananas, boats and bicycles later, I feel I've got a good grasp on this port city (atleast, by bike). Too bad it was so cold! After that, I let myself drink this and eat some of this (of course now I remember WHY I never eat/drink those things! ug!)

Now I'm forcing myself to sit in the library and write until the Simpsons comes on. Do I lead a strange life or what?

M is for More Homework,

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