Sunday, March 22, 2009

Puerto Rican Photos

Puerto Rican Vacation : Quoted

"You are an emotional, hot mess."- Emira to Meredith, crying in the airport.

"Spoon like it's your job." - Emira to Meredith after she asks how to fix it.

The Rules:
"Rule No. 1: Don't be weird." - advice from dating show, Tough Love, which is imminently funnier at 1 in the morning....

Beach Time:
"Mmm..there's a hot banana in here. Yum!" - Meredith, opening the backpack to find a snack.

"My ass. Is. On. Fire!" - Emira, after another marathon day at the beach.

"Oh, my dear. Do NOT TOUCH the body." - Emira to Meredith, who couldn't help poking her burned flesh.

The Rainforest:
"Bosque? That's a Bosnian Mosque, right?" Meredith, utilizing her spanish translation skillz. Bosque actually means forest.

On driving:
"Velocidad. Maxima. Viente!?!"

The End:
"I hate your face! [Your face here]" - t-shirt to be made up, post-vacation, each with the other's face on it.

"No Me Gusta Mi Corazon" - theme of the entire vacation.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Oh! ....oh.

Is there anything more disappointing than seeing you've got a voicemail and listen to it, hoping it's from someone you love very much and miss to your very core, and it turns out to be from

.......your gynocologist?
