Saturday, November 25, 2006

Eat Your.....Pumpkins?

Due to a bad cold, I opted not to pass it along to my cousin's three young boys and cancelled on my family plans for Turkey Day (she actually thanked me on the phone for not coming).

This left me with a freshly baked pumpkin pie on Friday. Luckily, I had roommates to help me with it, but I did indeed eat three pieces before the day's end. In fact, it was gone by evening.

Which of course, leff my conscious pricked: did my three pieces of pie count as my daily vegetable serving? or fruit?

Is a pumpkin a fruit or vegetable? Wikipedia states that botanically, it's considered a fruit (because it comes from a flower - and, as I explained to my roommate, has seeds on the inside like a berry) but culinarily it is considered a vegetable - it can be served both sweet and savory.

Humph. Who knew? Pumpkins have dual citizenship!

And yes, in case you're wondering, it IS finals. And yes, I DO have better things to do....



emirica said...

The fact that you spent your Thanksgiving figuring out the citizenship of Pumpkins is starting to worry me. But I do understand the need to slack off doing silly things trying to avoid the stress of finals, or in my case the upcoming qualifying exams. But as a wise person said "this too shall pass" and I strongly believe that stress of finals and random blogs shall also pass. Good luck with the last few weeks of school.

emirica said...

The fact that you spent your Thanksgiving figuring out the citizenship of Pumpkins is starting to worry me. But I do understand the need to slack off doing silly things trying to avoid the stress of finals, or in my case the upcoming qualifying exams. But as a wise person said "this too shall pass" and I strongly believe that stress of finals and random blogs shall also pass. Good luck with the last few weeks of school.